
김영주 작가는 보편적인 회화의 방식에서 벗어나 기존에 사용되어 오던 조건들을 탈피하여 입체적 조형을 이루는 새로운 조형 방식을 시도한다. 평면적 캔버스의 틀을 깨고, 그것들에 역설적인 규칙을 만들거나 맹목적인 조건을 필연적인 상태로 만드는 식의 방법론을 통해 새로운 회화를 만드는 실험을 지속해온 김영주 작가는 캔버스에 나무, 무게 다양한 방식의 부피감을 더해 방향성을 지시한다. 그렇게 이루어진 캔버스 틀위에 린넨을 씌워 당기고, 각각의 틀이 지시하는 방향성에 따라 조각들의 운동에너지, 이들이 이루는 잠정적인 암시를 나타낸다. 작가는 에너지의 방향성이 암시하는 곳에 물감을 이용하여 일종의 단서를 남기는데, 이 기표와 기의가 가리키는 곳은 작가가 구성한 규칙이다. 그의 작품 세계 안에서 추상과 구상, 회화와 조각 사이를 넘나들던 관객은 작가의 다충적인 농담을 알아채고 그 재치 넘치는 구조를 즐기게 된다. 조건을 창작하고 그것이 작용하는 하나의 세계를 만드는 일이다. 

Youngjoo Kim departs from the conventional approach to painting, breaking away from the traditional constraints and venturing into a new method of three-dimensional formation. Through a methodology that involves disrupting the flat canvas framework, creating paradoxical rules, or transforming blind conditions into inevitable states, she continuously experiments with creating new paintings. The artist introduces elements such as wood and various forms of volume onto the canvas to indicate directions. By layering linen onto this constructed canvas framework, the artist pulls and stretches it, embodying the kinetic energy of the pieces and expressing the implicit suggestions they create, guided by the directions of each frame. Utilizing paint, the artist leaves a sort of clue where the energy's direction implies, and this symbol and meaning point to the rules she has established. Within her artistic realm, audiences traverse between abstraction and representation, painting, and sculpture, discerning Youngjoo Kim's multi-layered humor and reveling in her ingenious structure. The act of creating rules and establishing a world where they operate becomes the essence of her artistic creation.



2011 MA in Fine Art at Chelsea College of Art and Design, London, U.K

2010 B.F.A in Korean Painting at Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea

2010 B.F.A in Art History (dual concentration) at Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea

Selected Solo exhibitions

2021  The weight of the air, Gallery Woong, Seoul, Korea

2019  (    ), Artbit Gallery, Seoul, Korea

2018  LOST/FOUND, B39 Bucheon Creativity Remix Culture Playground, Bucheon, Korea

2016  Intermission, Gallery Dos, Seoul, Korea

Group shows

2020  A story that only I can see, Dohing Art Gallery, Seoul, Korea

2018  Any Other Generation, Jungnang Art Center, Seoul, Korea

2015  Mindscape, Seongnam Art Foundation, Seongnam, Korea         

            MMCA Art Collaboration, Sponsored by Hyundai Motors, MMCA Artzone, Seoul, Korea         

            Inverse Monument (Collaboration with Hiram Wong), Leechkirch, Graz, Austria

2014  Platform Project by LUBOMIROV EASON, Art Athina, Athens, Greece         

            Summer Open Studio, Makespace Studio, London, U.K

            The Open West, The Wilson, Cheltenham Art Gallery and Museum, Cheltenham, U.K         

            4482[sasapari]; Symposium, Barge House, London, U.K

2013  ACAVA Annual Open Studios

2013  25b Vyner Street, London, U.K

            Young Artists Exhibition, Cube Gallery, Seongnam Art Foundation, Seongnam, Korea

2011  Summer Show, MAFA Degree Show, Chelsea College of Art and Design, London, U.K         

            Interim Show, Triangle Space, Chelsea College of Art and Design, London, U.K

2010  Vision, Ewha Art Centre, Seoul, Korea

Other Projects

2015  Research Consultant, Imagining New Eurasia Project by Kyong Park, Chapter 1, The Asia Culture Center,  Korea Award and Press, Gwangju, Korea

Award and Press

2018  Featured in NAVER DESIGN PEOPLE ‘Youngjoo Kim’

2014  Shortlisted for ‘The Open West 2014’ by Cheltenham Art Gallery and Museum, U.K         

            Shortlisted for 'Young Artist Exhibition' by Seongnam Art Foundation, Seongnam, Korea         

            Chaeyeon Award by Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea

2012  Featured in 'Design House Magazine' Oct issue, ' Three Young Artists, live and work in London'